Biologiska Vapen.

David Martin, has as always, done it again by explaining in simple terms so people can understand.

I want to be clear that I don’t know the person behind the twitter account. I only took it from there since I found it there.

Click on the picture to see the video where he explains that the cooco virus was planned, patented and produced a long time ago... 1965..1966..1967.. to become a bio-wapon.

As always,
With Love.

Trump blev ofta utskrattad för sitt sätt som han sa, som vi trodde var, Kina.
Det kanske har handlat om Ukraina hela tiden.
Shpyl'chyna ligger väldig nära Lviv´s Flygplats.
Destinationer man kan nå från Lviv flygplats ser du nedan.
Trump often got laughed at for his way of saying, what we thought was, China.
Maybe it´s been Ukraine the whole time?
Shpyl'chyna is situated very close to the Lviv airport.

Destinations reachable from Lviv airport;

Mongolia — Thailand — Singapore — Taiwan — Vietnam — Kenya — Philippines — Turkey — Saudi Arabia — Jordan — Indonesia — Malaysia — Hong Kong — Qatar — Mauritania — Egypt — Ivory Coast — Ethiopia — Ghana — Kuwait — Israel — Oman — Argentina — Iceland — Brazil — Canada — Mexico — Iran — Cyprus — United Arab Emirates — Lebanon — United States — Mauritius — Mozambique — Montenegro — Republic of Macedonia — Cuba — China — Kyrgyzstan — Tajikistan — Turkmenistan — India — Maldives — South Korea — Uzbekistan — Kazakhstan — Azerbaijan — Japan — Nepal — Panama — Georgia — Armenia — Pakistan — Sri Lanka — Russia — Poland — Madagascar — Tunisia — Finland — Austria — Spain — Luxembourg — Portugal — Estonia — Romania — Sweden — Denmark — Tanzania — Albania — Nigeria — Seychelles — South Africa — Morocco — Uganda — Serbia — Bosnia and Herzegovina — Italy — Hungary — Moldova — Croatia — Malta — Greece — Ireland — Netherlands — Norway — Latvia — Belgium — Bulgaria — Switzerland — domestic flights — France — Lithuania — United Kingdom — Belarus — Slovenia — Czech Republic — Germany — Slovakia — Zambia — Chile — Ecuador — Australia — Barbados — Crimea.

US biolabs in Ukraine.
US biolabs in Ukraine.

Kommer ni ihåg att Kabalen pratade om att bio-vap-net C är ingenting mot det som komma skall?
Var sker "bombningarna"?

Med All Kärlek
Do you remember the Cabal talking about that the bio-wap-on C is nothing compared to what will come next?
Where are the "bombings" taking place?

With All Love

Pentagons Biolabratorier över hela världen.

Pentagons biolaboratorier.
Pentagons biolaboratorier.

När vi nu kan se vart på kartan dessa baser ligger så är det inte så svårt att se parallellerna mellan exempelvis Ebola och Sierra Leone eller när myggan Aedes Albopictus som är bärare av Gula febern, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika plötsligt dök upp i västra Georgia.

Den amerikanska armén producerar regelbundet dödliga virus, bakterier och toxiner i direkt strid med FN:s konvention om förbud mot biologiska vapen.

Hundratusentals ovetande människor utsätts systematiskt för farliga patogener och andra obotliga sjukdomar. Biokrigsforskare som använder diplomatiskt omslag testar konstgjorda virus vid Pentagons biolaboratorier i 25 länder över hela världen.

Dessa amerikanska biolaboratorier finansieras av Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under ett militärt program på 2,1 miljarder dollar – Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), och finns i tidigare Sovjetunionens länder som Georgien och Ukraina, men också i Mellanöstern, Sydostasien och Afrika.

Now that we can see where on the map these bases are located, it is not so difficult to see the parallels between, for example, Ebola and Sierra Leone or when the mosquito Aedes Albopictus, which is a carrier of Yellow Fever, Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika, suddenly appeared in western Georgia.

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons.

Hundreds of thousands of unwitting people are systematically exposed to dangerous pathogens and other incurable diseases. Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world.

These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.

Cred: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva.

Ryska & Ukrainska soldater dansar tillsammans!
Det här är inte en armé som attackerar en annan armé.
Det här är Ryska styrkor som slår ut Djupa Staten/Kabalen.
This is not one army attacking another army. This is Russian forces taking out Deepstate/cabal.